Very long and overdue DragonCon recap

DragonCon was… good, mostly? I mean, I went into it sick. Yes, I was panelist zero. I brought the crud to the con. This had the ONLY benefit of the fact that I was over the crud by… Read More
2013 in review
Oh, 2013 I am NOT sorry to see you go. We had some highs and lows together, but professionally you were great to me, so I won’t complain. Soooo, let’s start with January: I submitted 2 stories to anthologies… Read More
Balancing 3 lives (aka: How do I do it all? Answer: I don’t!)
I am a wife, mother, Marine, pilot, writer, marathoner, costumer, all around geek, and more. One of the questions I often get asked is “How do you do it all?” The truth is, I don’t. There simply aren’t… Read More
GeekGirlsRun, a new running club for everyone
Hey all! So, because I’m not a busy enough person, I totally got involved in ANOTHER thing. And now I’m going to tell you about it. I’ve no idea if you guys have seen anything about a new… Read More
A catchupey type of post (is catchupey even a word? No? Oh well.)
As I sit here with a splitting headache from being out way too late late night at the Paul McCartney concert (it was amazing, but the jerks in the row in front of me kept lighting up all… Read More
Fiver’s Flamingos 2013
How does one start something like this? I guess you go back to the beginning, which in this case would be Mel, AKA Fiver, and we are her Flamingos. Back in 2007, our friend Mel ( ,… Read More
Checking in…
HOW IS IT MAY ALREADY??? So, life has been hectic. Aside from loads of travel (which I do for both of my careers, Marine and Author) we also moved this month, and things have just been crazy (I’m… Read More
What’s in a name? pt. 2
In my quest to delay actually starting on the final draft of my most recent novel, I give you a blog post. Last year I received many questions about my last name, Spendlove, so I went into that… Read More
Fiver’s Flamingos – a worthy cause!
How does one start something like this? I guess you go back to the beginning, which in this case would be Mel, AKA Fiver, and we are her Flamingos. Back in 2007, our friend Mel ( , AKA… Read More
I can see the finish line
I’ve learned that writing is like running a marathon. You’ve got to train and practice constantly, because if you don’t, the race will win out over you. Unlike 5k and 10K races, a marathon isn’t just about the… Read More