My San Diego Comic Con schedule
Hey all! I know some of you will be at SDCC, and so will I! It’s my first SDCC, so I’m not really sure what to expect, and I know that I’ll likely be all over the place.
That said, if you want to pin me down/find me, I do have some book signings scheduled at the following dates and times (many thanks to both SignalFireStudios and DaydreamAndGigglesStudios for hosting me):
-Thursday, Jul 24th, from 1100-1300 (11am-1pm) at table P14 in SMALL PRESS right behind the big, huge SideShow booth
-Friday, July 25th
from 1300-1330 (1pm-1:30pm) at Booth 4300, just inside the “Hall F” doors
from 1400-1600 (2pm-4pm) at table P14 in SMALL PRESS right behind the big, huge SideShow booth
-Saturday, July 26th, from 1400-1600 (2pm-4pm) at Booth 4300, just inside the “Hall F” doors
I plan on having copies of my War of the Seasons trilogy, Athena’s Daughters, and A Hero By Any Other Name on hand for sale if you’d like to purchase copies at all my signings except Friday from 1-1:30 as it is the Smart Pop Books Divergent Thinking book signing.
Can’t wait to see y’all there!
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BTW, you know how I just posted about how Thor is now a woman in the comics now, and why that’s awesome? Marvel also announced that Sam Wilson (Falcon) will be taking over as Captain America. Once again, Marvel:
I don’t think I need to once again list all the reasons why I think this is awesome, but in case you need it, please reference my previous Thor post.
Also, I think it goes without saying, but being excited about a woman being worthy to wield Mjölnir or an African American man hefting Captain America’s shield does not lessen my love for previous incarnations of Thor or Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes (previous Captains America). It is actually possible to love new people, things, and ideas without hating the old.
Fandom should be inclusive, y’all.

Lastly, need a copy of my books? As it happens you can buy them here.