A catchupey type of post (is catchupey even a word? No? Oh well.)
As I sit here with a splitting headache from being out way too late late night at the Paul McCartney concert (it was amazing, but the jerks in the row in front of me kept lighting up all night, no matter how many times we asked them to put out their cigarettes (aside from smoking being completely prohibited at Nationals Field, it’s just plain rude/inconsiderate), hence my splitting headache (I’m allergic to cigarette smoke, YAY ME)), I realize there is no way I can give you a coherent blog post right now. BUT I do have a bunch of links & things I’ve been meaning to post, so here you go. ENJOY (or not. You choose!):
- Oh hey, I had a fun interview on YATopia here. Check it out if you have a chance.
- I was on an Origins podcast here at about 10:20 in. Ron’s in at about 15 min.
- Since we’re on the subject of Origins and podcasts, I was on another one here (called Lone Shark Live, I’m at about the 50 min mark with Aaron Allston).
- And speaking of Aaron Allston, remember how he did a guest post for me here on the Importance of Peer Review? Well, I did a guest post for him as well on his blog on the Importance of Mentors and Mentoring.
I went to ConCarolinas in the beginning of June, and had a WONDERFUL time. I saw many of the usual suspects/people I adore (Gail Z. Martin, John Hartness, Tim Zahn, Davey Beuchamp (CHECK), Jim Bernheimer, Betty Cross, and many others), and made some great new friends/acquaintances like Aaron Rosenberg, Carrie Ryan, Chris Jackson, and many others who I know I forgot to name (I’ve a horrid memory for names – faces yes, names no). It was great to catch up with the “old” and get to know the “new.” I was on loads of great panels (Is Disney taking over the World, Marvel vs DC, Hunger Games, Military Tactics, etc), and on the whole had a very good time. I also entered my very first costume contest in years with my genderswapped Thor costume, and much to my surprise took home 1st place in my division. 🙂 I don’t know when or if I’ll do another costume contest, but this one was a lot of fun & I’m glad I entered. Jada and her staff put on a fantastic convention that I’m honored to be a part of and hope I can continue to be in the future
I also went to Origins Game Fair in June. It was 5 days of exhausting awesomeness that I can’t even begin to post about, and now we are so many weeks out and I didn’t take notes… GAH! Let’s just say there were many wonderful writers, people, places, and things (because I’m certain to forget some). The big thing of note for me that weekend was the release of my newest anthology, A Hero by Any Other Name: What does a sidekick do after retirement? What does a super villain do when he meets an evil greater than himself? Is it power that defines a hero, or something else? All of these questions and more are answered in A Hero By Any Other Name, a collection of stories by some of today’s best-known science-fiction and fantasy authors. This collection of riveting adventures delves into the lives of some not-so-conventional superheroes, sidekicks, and villains. This isn’t all tights-and-fights, but a look at heroes that will forever alter your perspective on those who chose to live behind a mask. Featuring stories from: Aaron Allston, Michael Stackpole, Maxwell Alexander Drake, Janine Spendlove, Bryan Young, and many others! Want to buy a copy? You can get one here or pretty much anywhere (Amazon, bookstores, etc).
And since we are discussing my June travels, I also managed to make it out to the inaugural SkirtSports half marathon in Colorado. I still very much need to post about this awesome new running club I helped found, called GeekGirlsRun, but that should be a post all on its own. Meanwhile, read all about the race here. It was awesome! And yes, I ran as Thor. Because I am a geek. And a girl. And I run.
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And after reading all that, please don’t forget that I’ve got a kickstarter going for Time Traveled Tales, with stories by Aaron Allston, Michael A. Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, Bryan young, many others, and yours truly! http://tinyurl.com/m7w5ox6 It ends in like A DAY!
Lastly, need a copy of one of my books? As it happens you can buy them here.