So I saw Ironman 3…



So, the best review I’ve seen about it is here (no spoilers, (unless you consider knowing ANYTHING about a film spoilery)):

I pretty much agree with everything Bryan said in that review.

Now for my thoughts, in no particular order. DEFINITELY spoilery:


OK, like I said, I loved this movie from start to finish – it was definitely my favorite of the three.

My thoughts below:

-The first thing I’d like to commend the film-makers for doing was not hitting the “reset” button that we normally see in these sorts of movies.

Tony has just gone through some VERY intense crap in Avengers (aliens, blowing up New York, friends dying, almost dying himself, other dimensions, etc), and just any one of those things would be nearly enough to give someone a sever case of PTSD.

This next bit is not something I share lightly on my very public blog, but as someone who suffered from anxiety attacks for the first couple months following my first deployment to Iraq, Tony’s reaction rang very true for me, and I felt… well, I don’t know how to exactly explain this, but I felt almost a kindred pain for him. I could FEEL his anxiety… in fact, I was completely unprepared for his very real portrayal of the anxiety attacks, and nearly freaked out myself as I was thrown back into all those memories of my own battles with it. I was very grateful my husband was there, right next to me, gripping my hand.

It was brilliant, it was perfect, and humanized a character that is often quite “cartooney.” I believed in Ironman after this film, and was kinda sad he doesn’t really exist.

While, he’s never been my favorite Avenger (Captain America, followed closely by Thor have that spot), but right now… while he’s not my favorite, he’s the one that feels the most real to me. The one that I feel like actually lives in my world. I love him for it. Bravo RDJ!

-The opening song LOL! Using Eiffel65’s Blue… I was like “what is it 1999 again?” Apparently it was. I will say the music choices on the whole were interesting and not at all what I was used to/expecting, but I liked them.

-Initially was very upset by Pepper’s role as the damsel in distress. Especially as in the past films she’s often been the girl running away and screaming. That said, she is a strong character, even if not physically strong – she’s CEO of Stark industries, for goodness sakes, AND in a relationship with Tony (you HAVE to be strong for that).

Then, in this film, while she is the damsel in distress plenty, she also saves the day TWICE. Ultimately SHE is the one that defeats the big bad super-villain. And it was AWESOME.

Ben Kingsley was amazing. His portrayal of Mandarin was PERFECT. At first I was like “why didn’t they cast an asian actor for Mandarin? I’m so confused!” Then, well… this I won’t spoil, but trust me, Ben Kingley was perfect for this role & he’s BRILLIANT. BRILLIANT!

I love Trevor. <3

I also loved Harley. I could quote pretty much every line between him and Tony right now because I love every scene those two have together


I love that Jarvis actually was a character in this film. He’s always had a bit of a personality, but this time it was on overdrive & I completely approve!

I was SO upset when Dum-E & U were broken – I thought they were gone for good. I’m so glad they recovered. SO GLAD

DOWNTON ABBEY! Apparently John Farveu is a huge fan, hence the DA refrences.

Mark Ruffalo tweeted prior to the film that he had a cameo, and the entire movie I was going “WHERE IS BRUCE BANNER?” And you know, he’s there, you just have to be patient.

The ending credits freakin rocked! Loved that they were 1970s super hero credits.

As always, stay for after the credits. I mean, WHY DO PEOPLE LEAVE? Do they not know any better by now???

If you have seen the film, here’s a great podcast all the stuff that didn’t make it into the film and why they did what they did in the film:

And that’s enough for now.

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Lastly, need a copy of my books? As it happens you can buy them here.