Ron is 40 & RavenCon 2013Wrap Up

First off today is my sweetie pie’s 40th birthday, so let’s all wish him a happy birthday, shall we?
On three…
Two and a half…
As many of you may or may not know, to celebrate his birthday Ron is running all 15 Disney races (that’s 18 medals). He’s about 1/2 way done (9 medals), and thus far appears to have had a great time!
We also celebrated by going dancing/ seeing the Jive Aces, one of our favorite swing bands play. Everyone wears yellow to their shows, so of course we did too. Though Ron had to kick the geek quotient up a bit with his yellow “The Wesely Crushers” shirt. π
Don’t worry, I geeked it up too with a Wonder Woman Penny Blossom by BrightCopperPenny (Esty shop linked).
You may know her from her Tiny Princess Captain America costume…

This weekend was a lot of fun. We went to RavenCon & linked up with my dear friend Maggie Allen (previous guest post here). We had such a good time together and both read our upcoming short stories coming out this summer in various anthologies. Not only was it great to hang out/ spend the weekend with her, but also wonderful to be on panels with her/ play off of each other. She’s awesome. π
Of course it was also wonderful to see so many friends at Ravencon as well – Gail Z. Martin, Jean Marie Ward, Betty Cross, Rich Sigfrit, Jim Bernheimer, Tera Fulbright, and so many others I’m certain to have forgotten their names (just holler at me if I did – I’m sorry!).
I also made many new friends and look forward to seeing you guys again at future cons!
And now, for pics:
These two informed me that Han shot first.
This young lady was delightful to meet & I sincerely hope she enjoys War of the Seasons (also, I sold out yet again! I need to bring more books to cons…).
These guys wanted Operation Montauk by Bryan Young badly. Have you read it yet? WHY NOT???
These two had just met & were awesome enough to pose for me. Also, they are BOTH awesome authors. <3
You know you’re at a con when…
Great costumes as always!
Coming this October… Capclave!
And totally NOT related to Ravencon, but do you follow me in Instagram or Tumbr (links to your right)? No? Do you like to see pretty pictures Washington, DC and some of my travels? Yes? Then you should probably add me on one or the other of those… π Cherry blossoms are coming tomorrow…
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Lastly, need a copy of my books? As it happens you can buy themΒ here.