My Dragon*Con Schedule & Thrifty Fashion
So guess what? I know I said I WOULDN’T be at Dragon*Con this year, and it really looked like I wouldn’t be able to make it due to my travel/work schedule, BUT though I am traveling A LOT in August, I’ll be back just in time to make it to Dragon*Con on Saturday and Sunday… YAAAAAAY!
If you’re looking for me at Dragon*Con chances are you’ll find me at the Kaleidoscope Track on both days. It’s my home base!
1pm: Geeks Rule!
4pm: Read-A-Likes
7pm: Phineas and Ferb Uncovered
1pm: Girlz Rule!
4pm: Music Show Mash Up
7pm:Bad Boys! Bad Girls! (I may have to leave this one a smidge early to catch my flight home)
Now, if you’re looking for me at D*C on Saturday night, this is what I’ll look like (full costume post HERE, but yes, I’m dressed as THOR):
And just for fun, here’s one of the Youngling as Director Nicky Fury of SHIELD. 😀 (though she won’t be at D*C)
The most fabulously geeky WONDER WOMAN SHOES EVER are HERE.
I love these clothes! They’re uniquely designed dresses & whatnot that you customize! Found HERE.
You might be asking yourself (because I know I’m certainly asking myself), why the heck is this author/Marine/mother/wife writing a fashion blog? Aren’t there like a bajillion fashion blogs out there? Why do we need another?
We probably don’t, and I don’t think I’m a fashionista at all, but apparently some of my friends and family do, and they asked me to do one, soooo… I figured this would be kind of fun to do. So there.
You can see my first post HERE, where I go into the basics of my style & kind of what my shopping “motto” is (never pay full price for anything), and that patience is a virtue (wait 3 years to find a specific pair of $250 Fluevog shoes for $40? Why yes I did…)

Peacocks and the Capitol
Special Agenda? Nope.
Pink peacock blazer, $20 (in store clearance)
Banana Republic pencil skirt, $15 (in store clearance)
Yellow Shade Brand TShirt, $15 (online store)
Vintage gloves, $5 (eBay)
Penny Blossom, $7.50 (etsy)
Brown tights, $12 (amazon)
Ankle boots, $6 (thrift store)
Bella Bag, gift (etsy)
Earrings & Butterfly necklace made for me by my mother, gift
Wright flyer cameo necklace, gift (Sparkle)
Total: $80.50. At full price would have been: approx $272.50. (gifts not estimated in either total).
Notes: I call this my peacock outfit, and once upon a time I had matching peacock pumps! Sadly, they only lasted a year before they fell apart, but I’m glad I found these adorable ankle boots at the thrift store. I adore this jacket so much – the peacock and floral details on it absolutely make it, and it’s perfect for those nippy spring and autumn days!
And I also love this picture especially as it was taken on the Speaker’s balcony in the Capitol (despite all the construction in the background).

Lastly, need a copy of my books? As it happens you can buy them here.