A writer’s workshop

I’m hosting a writer’s workshop this weekend – my 2nd one, and I’ve got to say I’m so excited. I think I’ve already “cracked” how to fix my first 3 chapters (my problem children) – I love brain storming with fellow writers.

I’m sure you’ve all encountered it – you read your own work so much, you know there’s something wrong, but you can’t fix it! To use the cliche, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Perhaps it’s because you’ve looked at your draft so many times! That’s how I feel about this novel – I’ve re-written my first few chapters a half a dozen times, and nothing I do seems right. It’s better every time, but I’m still unhappy with it.

But now, something like this workshop is just an influx of creativity and awesomeness. Yes, I did just write the word awesomeness. 🙂

I feel rejuvenated, like I could tackle my whole novel tonight! YAY!