Want Diverse Superheroes? Check out this new Kickstarter

Soooooo I’m a part of another kickstarter currently going and this time it’s a Superhero anthology called HEROES! I hope you can tell by the cover below (and artwork above) that the protagonists aren’t going to be your standard… Read More
My very first Kickstarter! Can I get a signal boost?
Hey everyone! Guess what?! I’m a part of my very first kickstarter with some names you might recognize (Allston, Stackpole, Young, & Zahn). If you’d like to contribute I’d really appreciate it, even if it’s just $1 –… Read More
Guest post by musician and author Maggie Allen
Many years ago when I was WAY into costumes (I still love costuming, but in 2005 I was obsessed) I stumbled across the website Padawansguide.com while researching a Star Wars costume I was working on. The owner/manager/creator/content EVERYTHING person… Read More